Home » CGT CDMO » AAV Vector CDMO Services » ProAAV Manufacturing Service

Overview of ProAAV Manufacturing Workflow

ProBio manufactures AAV Vector using triple transient transfection with suspension production system, with a manufacturing scale up to 50L. After deeply studying and optimizing the upstream and downstream CPP (Critical Process Parameter), we have developed a stable and robust AAV manufacturing process.

AAV Manufacturing Workflow

Characteristics of ProAAV Manufacturing

We follow the phase-appropriate compliance, and set standards for the production of ProAAV with respect to manufacturing environment, appropriate QC items and standards, and quality assurance process, to guarantee the safety of the products in the use of non-clinical phases, while reducing time and saving cost.

  • ProAAV Characteristics

    • Starting from RCB (MCB optional)
    • Proprietary suspension cell line PowerSTM- 293
    • Triple transient transfection system
    • Non-disposable materials (optional)
    • RoA file
    • Manufacturing Summary report
    • Personnel training
    • ......
  • Benefits of Suspension PowerSTM-293

    • Compliant for IND application and commercialization
    • Stable AAV packaging ability within different AAV serotypes, AAV 2, 5,8,9...
    • 30%~50% higher crude titer than commercial cell line
    • Scalable production process
    • Up to 200 L manufacturing scale

With a solid understanding of the requirements in non-clinical phases, ProBio is the best partner to suffice your needs.

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