Home » CGT CDMO » Lentiviral Vector CDMO Services » LVV Manufacturing

Overview of GMP LVV Manufacturing Workflow

ProBio is experienced in manufacturing lentiviral vectors adopting both adherent production system and suspension production system. We use HEK293T cell lines, and developed our proprietary suspension cell line PowerSTM-293T, with the production capacity from 2L to 200L.

Our experts will discuss your project with you in detail and propose a best solution to accelerate your project.

Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Clinical GMP Grade
GMP Grade
GMP Grade

Suspension Culture System

  • Proprietary cell line PowerSTM-293T
  • Stable and scalable suspension manufacturing process
  • up to 200L manufacturing scale
  • 4~5 times final yield improvement comparing with adherent culture system
  • ~50% cost reduction
  • High T cell transduction efficiency


  • Proprietary Suspension cell line
  • License for IND, clinical and commercial
  • Royalty free, maintenance free
  • Excellent performance in producing lentiviral vector

LVV Production: PowerSTM-293T with Different GOI

Titer over 107 TU/ml

Adherent Culture System

  • The largest manufacturing scales is Up to 96L
  • Closed culture system reduces contamination and improves stability
  • Full-automatic operation improves reproducibility and stability

Accumulated Experience

ProBio has accumulated rich experience in manufacturing lentiviral vector, which guaranteed a dedicated and professional service for customers.

  • Worked with global clients for their LVV projects
  • Provided GMP lentiviral vector for CAR-T, TCR-T projects
  • Over 100 GMP manufacturing batches experience

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