Home » CGT CDMO » Plasmid CDMO Services » LentiHelperTM Plasmid Products
Trademark Name Gene
LentiHelperTM VSV-G pMD2.gKan VSV-G
LentiHelperTM GagPol pMDLg/pRREKan HIV-1 GAG/POL
LentiHelperTM Rev pRSV-RevKan Rev

Advantages of LentiHelperTM Plasmid

    • PreCMC Grade for pre-clinical stage, GMProTM Grade for early clinical stages, and GMP Grade for late clinical and commercial stages
    • DMF (Drug Master File) has been registered with CBER FDA for GMPro™ grade to support FDA IND application, simplifying regulatory documents
    • De novo synthesis and manufacture at ProBio’s regulatory compliance platform
    • 3 LentiHelperTM Plasmids are without IP issues
    • Royalty free
  • Master File Acknowledgement from FDA CBER

Product Purchase Information

Quantity PreCMC Grade GMPro™ grade GMP Grade
1 mg Quote Quote Quote
5 mg
10 mg
Deliverables 1. Plasmid
2. CoA file
1. Plasmid
2. CoA file
3. TSE/BSE Statement
1. Plasmid
2. CoA file
3. TSE/BSE Statement

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