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Fully human antibody are the trend of therapeutic antibody

As of February 2021, the FDA has formally approved a cumulative total of 100 antibody drugs, of which 36 have been fully human antibody drugs. Together with the three SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies approved by EUA, there are 39 fully human antibodies approved by the FDA.

Data from Biotitude

Transgenic mice are the main source of fully human antibody drugs

The majority of human antibody discovery projects based on humanized mice are conducted on the hybridoma platform. Compared to phage display technology, the humanized mouse platform is relatively slow in the initial stages of antigen immunization of mice, preparation of hybridoma cells, and screening for specific antibodies.

However, the antibody optimization process is naturally accomplished in mice through high-frequency mutations, and therefore, the humanized mice platform has shown significant advantages in terms of improved antibody affinity and efficacy, as well as the absence of concerns about immune rejection. Clinical data have also demonstrated that antibody drugs developed from humanized mice perform better in the evaluation of relevant indicators of druggability properties.

Transgenic mouse platforms in collaboration with ProBio

ProBio has established partnership with 3 transgenic animal platform which are OmniAb® from Ligand in US, Alloy ATX-GKTM Mouse in US and CAMouseTM from CAMAB in China. We have been authorized to use their animals to provide antibody discovery service. Contact us.

  • OmniAb® is one of the best transgenic animal platform all over the world and only authorized CROs can provide antibody discovery services for OmniAb’s clients.

    With its outstanding discovery capabilities and rich experience, ProBio has been awarded the special "Approved CRO" status by Ligand. Click here for the press release.

    OmniAb has partnered with over 70 companies and universities on developing therapeutic antibodies. A range of antibodies from their animals are now in clinical development by OmniAb partners globally and 4 antibody products are marketed. Click the logo to learn more about OmniAb®.

  • ATX-Gx™ is a royalty-free, best-in-class humanized transgenic mice discovery platform for antibody discovery, trusted by over 150 partners and counting with a range of antibodies now in the clinic. The ATX-Gx™ humanized transgenic mice is designed to express the full human sequence diversity and is optimized for developability and a robust immune response comparable to wild-type mice. The core platform contains multiple strains including Lambda and HyperImmune to fully enable your antibody discovery process. Click the logo to learn more about Alloy. Click the logo to learn more about Alloy.

  • CAMouseTM is the 1st transgenic mice platform with independent intellectual property rights in China. CAMouse is designed to maintain lgM BCR Structure, ensuring the regular development of B cell, producing fully human IgG. There are two exclusive licensing structures ONLY for ProBio customers are available. Minimalist milestone design, no royalty charged. Contact us for detailed information.

Rapid solution for fully human antibody discovery

As we mentioned above that most of human antibody discovery based on humanized mice is conducted on the hybridoma platform, which is not time efficient. By combining single B cell screening platform with humanized mice platform, ProBio is capable of generating fully human antibody as fast as 1 month, significantly accelerate your research progress.

Contact us now for more detailed information.

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