About Us » Customer Group

What Is A Customer Group

Customer Group is a collection of ProBio Accounts created to enable the members within the group to share information of orders freely with each other. This tool is mainly designed for labs.

Each Group has a sole group leader (usually the lab PI), who has the authority to award group members with “Master” authority privileges. The group leader and the members with Master authority privileges can invite others to join the group or remove members out of the group.

The main resources of Customer Group are: Group Orders, Group Quotes, Group Members.

Each Group member hereby warrants and represents that he/she is duly authorized to share information or material in this Group, and hereby grants to ProBio a permission to transfer the materials which are shared hereof and deposited in ProBio to any other members in this Group if he/she requests. The information and material shared in this Group is used for research purpose only. The ownership of intellectual property of any invention arising out of the use of the shared information or material shall be discussed and settled between the Group members who provides and who receives the information or materials.

The group leader and the members with Master authority can also view the other members’ ProBio quotes and orders information (including payment information).

Please contact our sales managers or tech-support team ([email protected]) with any questions or if you need any help creating a Customer Group.

* Each member must have their own ProBio Account. Groups can currently only be comprised of people who are within the same lab. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns with creating a Customer Group.

  • Leader: There is only one Leader in a customer group. Group leader can view all information within the group (including group order information). The Group leader can also award Master authority to certain group members.
  • Master: There could be multiple Masters in a customer Group. The group members with Master authority can also view all information within the group, including group orders, group quotes. But he or she cannot award Master authority to other group members.
  • Member: Normal group members can only view group members, but cannot view group orders/quotes information.
  • Candidate: the one group leader/master have already sent an invitation email; he or she will formally join the group after he or she accepted the invitation. But before that, he or she cannot view group information; and other members cannot view his or her information either.

Benefits Of Joining A Customer Group

Exchanging information is easy! – With just a click of a button, you can rapidly share information on your orders, quotes within a group.

Worry-free storage and record keeping – Keep a clear inventory of projects materials at ProBio, all easily accessible at a moment's notice for further use.

Managing a group is simple and straightforward - As a group leader, you can easily get access to group member's orders and monitor their progress, as well as invite or remove group members online. And you can also assign one or several Masters to help you manage the group.

Confidentiality guaranteed - group information will be strictly confidential and available only to members within the group.

Make full use of EzCoupon Points - if each of your group members has few EzCoupon Points, they can donate those points to the group to make a bigger point pool so that they can earn an even bigger discount than before. As an added benefit, any EzCoupon Points transferred to the group will receive an extra 12 months extension on their expiration period!

Getting Started

1. Send and email to our customer service team*


2. A sales manager will contact you immediately for qualifying


3. Fill out a request form and send it back to us


4. We will create a Group for you immediately


A: You can ask the group leader/master to invite you to join the group, or you can contact our customer service team ([email protected]) for help.

A: You can ask the group leader/master to remove you out of the group, or you can contact our customer service team ([email protected]) for help.