News & Activities » ProBio initiates a CDMO contract for next-generation CD47 antibody with InnoBation Bio

ProBio initiates a CDMO contract for next-generation CD47 antibody with InnoBation Bio

ProBio, a global biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), announced on January 26th, 2022 that it has entered into a contract with InnoBation Bio to develop and manufacture clinical trial sample substances of an anti-CD47 antibody, which is to be used as an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI). This contract acts as a sub-contract to the Master Service Agreement which was initiated in 2020.

Antibody CDMO contract for next-generation

Brian H. Min, CEO of ProBio (left) and Seung-Koo Kim, CEO of InnoBation Bio(right)

InnoBation Bio, led by Seung-Koo Kim (CEO), is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the development of biomarkers, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy agents, and antibody-based anti-cancer therapeutics. Based on this latest agreement with ProBio, InnoBation Bio is planning to develop a stable cell line for an anti-CD47 antibody production. Anti-CD47 antibodies are next-generation ICI that have received the greatest attention as novel therapeutics.

CD47 is an essential type of protein that protects normal cells in the human body from being attacked by the immune system. Cancer cells hijack this mechanism to thwart an attack from phagocytic cells. Anti-CD47 antibodies block this ‘don’t eat me’ signal sent by CD47 on cancer cells to phagocytic cells, restoring the phagocytic function of macrophages and other phagocytic cells, and therefore increasing anti-cancer immune responses.

Anti-CD47 antibodies are the next-generation ICI that have received the greatest attention for therapy since the emergence of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors. These antibodies show significantly high value in that they can be combined with other anti-cancer therapies, such as PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors. Recently, Gilead acquired Forty Seven for $4.9 billion to claim ownership of magrolimab. AbbVie transacted with I-Mab to obtain exclusive rights to develop and commercialize lemzoparlimab consistent with $1.94 billion. Pfizer took over Trillium Therapeutics for $2.26 billion to obtain CD47 pipelines. As such, numerous large-scale pharmaceutical companies have high expectations of an anti-CD47 antibody.

Clinical trials with existing CD47 neutralizing antibodies have experienced severe side effects, including anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells (RBCs). IBA-101, a next-generation anti-CD47 antibody developed by InnoBation Bio solves this anemia-related problem of existing anti-CD47 antibodies by virtue of its RBCs sparing property. The value of IBA-101 has been highly rated since this antibody showed excellent performance in in vivo efficacy and toxicity tests in vitro and in humanized mice.

Seung-Koo Kim, CEO of InnoBation Bio, stated that this latest agreement with ProBio will expedite the clinical trials for IBA-101 in South Korea. He also mentioned that this contract will facilitate the quicker implementation of FDA clinical trials for IBA-101 through cooperation with Prof. Scott A. Waldman's research and development team at Thomas Jefferson University, PA., USA.

Brian H. Min, CEO of ProBio, stated that ProBio will facilitate InnoBation Bio’s anti-CD47 antibody program with the mission of ‘providing best-in-class quality and serving the interests of customers’. He also mentioned that with ProBio’s experience in CMC and GMP manufacturing services alongside collaboration with InnoBation Bio, an innovative biopharmaceutical company, ProBio expects more patients will benefit from superior treatments.

About ProBio

ProBio is the biologics CDMO segment of GenScript Biotech, proactively providing end-to-end service from drug discovery to commercialization. ProBio aims to provide customers with proactive strategies, professional solutions and efficient processes for the acceleration of antibody drug and cell and gene therapy development.

With the mission statement of "Innovation through Collaboration", ProBio is committed to providing customers with shortened timelines for the development of biological drugs, from discovery to commercialization, significantly lowering R&D costs and ultimately building a healthier future for patients.