Time Topic
9:30-9:40 Opening Remark
Patrick Liu, Chairman of ProBio
Session 1: Cell Therapy
9:40-10:40 Revolutionizing Cell Therapy Development with Flexible and Advanced Solutions
Yuyuan Dai, Head of AP Solution BD

1. Market outlook for cell therapy development
2. VSVG and Pseudo-LVV platform and CDMO solution
3. RD114, BaEv and GaLv RVV platform and CDMO
10:40-11:10 CAR-T 개발전주기의 분석법 고려사항
박영삼 이사/ 큐로셀 분석 1팀
11:10-11:40 Legend Biotech (Online)
11:40-12:10 Cultivating the Ecosystem for Cell and Gene Therapy: CDMO Services in the Japanese Market
Kotaro Arita, President & Representative Director at Cell Resources Co., Ltd. / Deputy General Manager at Alfresa Holdings Corporation
1. Overview of Alfresa Group, the leading ethical pharmaceutical wholesaler in Japan
2. Introduction to Cell Resources, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alfresa Holdings, specializing in CDMO services for cell and gene therapy in Japan
3. Strategic insights for companies aiming to expand their business within the Japanese market
12:10-13:30 Lunch and Networking
Session 2: mRNA Vaccine/Drug
13:30-14:30 Strategies and Solutions for mRNA Therapeutics and Personalized Medicines
Xiao Pan, Sr. Director, Platform R&D Dept.
1. Background and challenges in mRNA therapeutics and personalized medicines CMC development
2. Integrated DNA-to-mRNA platform accelerating the CMC development
3. Advantages and case study of ProBio platform solutions
Session 3: Gene Therapy
14:30-15:30 Addressing Challenges and Solutions in Gene Therapy Development
Yuyuan Dai, Head of AP Solution BD
1. Market outlook of AAV gene therapy
2. AAV related QC challenges and ProBio strategies
3. AAV platform and CDMO solution with case studies
15:30-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-16:20 From Gene to CMC : 유전자치료제 개발의 정체구간과 네비게이션
김우진 이사/ 진크래프트 과학 전략 총괄
Session 4: Diversity of Plasmid Application in Cell and Gene Therapy
16:20-16:50 Accelerating Cell and Gene Therapy with Robust and Customized Plasmid Platform
주문경 이사 / 진스크립트 프로바이오 한국 사업부문장
Session 5: Cell and Gene Therapy Regulatory Consideration for IND Application
16:50-17:10 Regulatory Consideration for IND Applications of Lentiviral Vector, AAV & mRNA
주문경 이사 / 진스크립트 프로바이오 한국 사업부문장
17:10-17:15 Closing Remark

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